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Ms Julie Kohls




I am a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon who has worked at the Royal Surrey County Hospital as a Consultant since November 2008.

My NHS Practice is Elective Foot & Ankle Surgery, Trauma and Diabetic Feet including complex deformities and re-current ulceration.




I am very enthusiastic about foot and ankle surgery. I am constantly improving the surgery I can offer patients as surgical instrumentation and technology improves. However I do not believe surgery is always the right answer. When I do operate on patients, I believe that performing a well executed surgery is only the beginning of helping a patient to recover. I work very hard to make sure patients are doing the right exercises at the right time in order to have the best possible result.


A wise surgeon said, "Surgeons do not heal patients. Patients heal themselves. Surgery is a controlled injury which will not make the foot normal but is designed to improve the problem the patient has."​

All surgeon's should keep these words in mind and remember that surgery is in an injury, so when it is possible to avoid surgery-do so, and if surgery is necessary- cause the smallest injury possible. If a surgeon and a patient work together, outstanding results can be achieved but clear communication, realistic expectations, honesty and good physiotherapy are all part of the package.



I am Canadian by birth. I qualified in medicine at the University of Western Ontario in 1996 and then joined the Orthopaedic surgery training program at the University of Toronto. I left the University of Toronto to follow my former husband to England.  After arriving in London in 1999, I completed my training in Orthopaedic surgery in the London North West training program. In 2007 I became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS (Tr & Orth)). 


I trained in Foot and Ankle surgery during a year at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore and then completed a second year as the Surrey Foot and Ankle Fellow (working at both the Royal Surrey County Hospital and Frimley Park Hospital).


I was awarded my CCT (Certificate of Completion of Training) in 2008. Since then I have worked as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Specialising in Foot and Ankle Surgery at the RSCH.


Outside of my Foot and Ankle Surgical Practice, I also am involved in Education. I have a Masters Degree in Surgical Education (M. Ed) from the University of Toronto. In the NHS, I am the Foundation Year 1 Program Director for the 51 most junior doctors at the Royal Surrey County Hospital.

I am also committed to the improving the care of diabetic patients with Foot and Ankle problems. I co-run specialised MDT clinics at the Royal Surrey together with Vascular, Endocrinology, Specialised Nurses and Podiatry.

I have presented and published Foot and Ankle research nationally and I am a member of the British Orthopaedic Association and British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgery Society. I recently ran the BOFAS Priniples Course in Guildford in February 2022. I have also been faculty on the course and plan to continue teaching in the future.



FRCS (tr and orth)

Royal College of Surgeons 2007

Master of Education

University of Toronto 1999


Doctor of Medicine

University of Western Ontario 1996


Bachelor of Chemistry

University of Western Ontario 1992


Surrey Foot and Ankle Surgery Fellowship

Royal Surrey County Hospital and Frimley Park Hospital 2007


Fellowship Foot and Ankle Surgery

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Stanmore Fellowship Foot and Ankle Surgery 1999


  1. Wiffen L, Kohls-Gatzoulis J Lis Franc Injuries. Often a difficult diagnosis to make in A&E Foundation Years Journal In Press to be printed in 2017: 6-11

  2. Kohls-Gatzoulis J, Kolodziejczyk I The “Surrey Stages” Award System for Foot and Ankle Rehabilitation In Touch-Physio First, September 2016: 10-13

  3. Walsh S, Herring R, Griffith H, Kohls-Gatzoulis J, Davidson S Coordinating care in acute diabetes foot problems: no mean feet! The British Journal of Diabetes 2016; 16-2: 65-68

  4. Rourke E, Kohls-Gatzoulis J Broadening the foundation programme:aims and implications of impending changes to junior doctor training British Medical Journal 2014, BMJ Careers, November 

  5. Gurdezi S, Kohls-Gatzoulis J, and Solan MC Results of proximal medial gastrocnemius release for Achilles tendinopathy Foot and Ankle International 2013; 24-10: 1364-9 PMID: 236873

  6. Abbassian A, Kohls-Gatzoulis J and Solan MC Proximal medial release of the gastrocnemius in the treatment of recalcitrant plantar fasciitis Foot and Ankle International 2012; 33-1: 14-19

  7. Solan MC, Kohls-Gatzoulis J and Stephens MM Idiopathic toe walking and contractures of the triceps surae Foot and Ankle Clinics of North America 2010; 15-2: 297-307

  8. Gossage W, Kohls-Gatzoulis J and Solan MC Endoscopic repair of chronic achilles tendon rupture with FHL augmentation Foot and Ankle International 2010; 31-4: 343-347

  9. Kohls-Gatzoulis J, Woods B, Angel JC and Singh, D The prevalence of tibialis posterior dysfunction in women over 40 in England Foot and Ankle Surgery 2009; 15-2: 75-81

10. Kohls-Gatzoulis J, Haddad F, Livingston J, Berry G, Singh D, and Angel JC Tibialis Posterior Dysfunction: A Frequent & Treatable Cause of Adult  Acquired Flatfoot British Medical Journal 2004; 329 -7478:1328-1333

11. Kohls-Gatzoulis J, Regehr G, and Hutchison C Teaching Cognitive Skills Improves Learning in Surgical Skills Courses Canadian Journal of Surgery 2004; 47-4: 277-84

12. Kohls-Gatzoulis J, Angel JC, and Singh D Tibialis Posterior Dysfunction as a cause of flat feet in Elderly Patients The Foot 2004; 14-4: 207-9

13. Kohls-Gatzoulis J, Tsiridis E, and Schizas C Reconstruction of the Coronoid Process with Iliac Crest Bone Graft Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2004; 13-2: 217-20 Tsiridis E., Kohls-Gatzoulis J, and Schizas C

14. Avulsion Fracture of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Insertion Journal Hand Surgery 26B 2001; 26-6: 596-8

15. Kohls-Gatzoulis J, Singh D, and Angel JC Tibialis Posterior Insufficiency occurring in a patient without peroneii: A mechanical etiology Foot and Ankle International 2001; 22-12: 950-2

16. Kohls J Technical Skill Teaching in Surgical Education Focus on Surgical Education, 1998; 17-3: 11-14

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NHS clinics:     

Royal Surrey Hospital

Egerton Road





Mrs Claire Ellis

01483 571122 extension 6433​

© 2016 by JK Foot&Ankle Surgery.                       Last Update June 2024

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